Friday, 19 September 2014

The Dolphin's Wish

Once, there was a dolphin and her name was Spinner. She lived in the Pacific Ocean with her best friends. Their names were Bottlenose and Pink. The three dolphins loved to play with seaweeds, they are really energetic and they are always happy.

One day, Spinner said to her friends," I always want to live on the land, with all the other things like trees and other animals."
Pink asked," But aren't you coming back to visit your family and us?"
Spinner thought for a minute and answered," I've got an idea! Lets all be human! So, we can all still see each other."
Bottlenose said," But, I don't want to live on land.. I want to live here, in the ocean."
There was a moment of silence because Bottlenose wanted to live in the ocean but Spinner wants to live on the land. Bottlenose asked," Can you be the only one who goes on the land?"
Spinner said," Hmm... Maybe not.."
So then, they went home and thought about what they had talked before and they stayed in their room for a long time. Finally, they got out of their room and met.

Then, the three dolphins had agreed to live on the land. But they had not tell the idea to their parents yet. After a while, they told their parents what they had planned and all their parents also agreed to join them and live on the land. So, they all swam together until they met the powerful mermaid who can transform something to anything else. One of the dolphins said," Can you please turn us all into  human?"
The powerful mermaid answered," Of course, but what country do you want to live in?"
We all answered," Maybe somewhere cold. But not Antartica."
The Mermaid said," Okay."
KABOOM! The lightning hit the surface of the sea. They all woke up in Switzerland and it was winter time. Then, they all live happily ever after.


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